Christian Hammer

Christian Hammer is the dynamic CEO of Vala AI, spearheading innovation at the intersection of artificial intelligence and enterprise solutions. With a career spanning decades across global powerhouses like Wayfair, Nike, Appnexus, and Maersk, Christian has consistently been at the forefront of digital transformation, leaving an indelible mark on the tech landscape.

A visionary leader and sought-after speaker, Christian captivates audiences with his deep insights into emerging technology trends and innovative leadership strategies. His unique blend of corporate expertise and entrepreneurial spirit has positioned him as a thought leader in AI application, supply chain optimization, and the future of work. As the host of the “Techtastic” podcast, Christian further amplifies his voice, exploring the positive impact of technology on society with an unapologetically optimistic lens.

Beyond his professional achievements, Christian is also an accomplished artist, bringing a creative perspective to his technological endeavors. This multifaceted background allows him to approach challenges with a rare combination of analytical rigor and creative problem-solving, making him a truly unique voice in the world of technology and business leadership.

Christian Hammer is a dynamic visionary, artist, and tech entrepreneur at the forefront of innovation. As the CEO of Vala AI, Christian leads a team dedicated to revolutionizing the tech industry with cutting-edge solutions.

With a background in art and technology, Christian brings a unique perspective to his role, combining creativity with technical expertise to drive meaningful change. His artwork, showcased on, reflects his passion for pushing the boundaries of conventional expression, while his leadership at Vala AI demonstrates his commitment to driving innovation in the tech sector.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Christian is a seasoned technologist with a wealth of experience in software development and engineering. His work profile on LinkedIn showcases his expertise and contributions to the tech community, highlighting his role as a thought leader and industry influencer.

Christian’s passion for technology and creative expression extends beyond his professional endeavors. As the host of the ”It’s Techtastic!” podcast, he explores the latest developments in technology, delving into fascinating topics and interviewing industry leaders to uncover insights and perspectives on the ever-evolving tech landscape.

At Vala AI, Christian spearheads efforts to harness the power of artificial intelligence to address pressing challenges in software development, including tackling tech debt and optimizing system performance. Under his leadership, Vala AI is redefining the future of technology, empowering organizations to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, Christian Hammer continues to lead Vala AI towards new heights of success, inspiring others to embrace the transformative potential of technology.